Name: Joey Kirsch
Birthday: April 3, 1997
Hometown: West Orange, NJ
University: Binghamton University
Major: English
What’s your favorite ISRAEL21C article and why?
My favorite article is the one about Israel going to the moon! I am always so happy to see Israel doing so many amazing things.

What’s your favorite part about being a digital ambassador?
Being able to bring information to people that they would not normally have access to it. Sometimes people don’t really know all the amazing things that Israel does, and I am always happy to be able to share it with them.

Best Israeli song you know?
“Hachaim Shelanu Tutim” (Our Life is Strawberries) by Hanan Ben Ari — so catchy!
What else are you passionate about?
My biggest passion in school right now is creating Jewish experiences for students on campus. When I see people in a room for an event I’ve created, it brings me such happiness to know that I’m making a difference!