December 5, 2018, Updated December 6, 2018

Ambassador Spotlight: Julia Woolf

Birthday: September 13, 1998

Hometown: Springfield, VA

College: College of Charleston

Major, Minor(s): Major in communications, double minor in Spanish and political science

What’s your favorite ISRAEL21c article and why?

“Shared love of soccer draws Jews and Arabs to Jaffa Gate

I really enjoy this article because it highlights what we don’t see in the mainstream media. I love how it promotes peace among two groups who historically have had conflicting views. It is amazing to see how a game can really bring about peace.

What’s your favorite part about being a digital ambassador?

I love being able to spread my love of Israel to those who are less familiar with the country. I think ISRAEL21c has such a variety of articles that really highlight the diversity of the country. I love sharing stories which are not normally published on regular news sites because this shines a light on the positive culture of Israel.

Best Israeli song you know?

“Golden Boy” by Nadav Guedj

Photo of you in Israel:

Julia Woolf and Birthright friends at Masada. Photo: courtesy

What are you up to in this photo?

This photo was taken on top of Masada after my Birthright group hiked it. We actually hiked it in a really short amount of time so we were very winded during this photo! The views were breathtaking, and honestly I am still so amazed that we hiked this ancient mountain. The girls in this photo are some school friends and some friends I made on the trip, as well as my sister.

What else are you passionate about?

I go to school by the beach so I really like to spend time there with my friends from school. I love to be outside and I think it is so important to spend time doing things you love so that is one of the reasons I really enjoy where I go to school. As soon as the weather gets about 75 degrees, you can be sure to find me at the beach!

Julia Woolf on the beach with a friend. Photo: courtesy

More on Digital Ambassadors

Fighting for Israel's truth

We cover what makes life in Israel so special — it's people. A non-profit organization, ISRAEL21c's team of journalists are committed to telling stories that humanize Israelis and show their positive impact on our world. You can bring these stories to life by making a donation of $6/month. 

Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director