Ambassador Spotlight: Julia Woolf
Birthday: September 13, 1998
Hometown: Springfield, VA
College: College of Charleston
Major, Minor(s): Major in communications, double minor in Spanish and political science
What’s your favorite ISRAEL21c article and why?
“Shared love of soccer draws Jews and Arabs to Jaffa Gate”
I really enjoy this article because it highlights what we don’t see in the mainstream media. I love how it promotes peace among two groups who historically have had conflicting views. It is amazing to see how a game can really bring about peace.
What’s your favorite part about being a digital ambassador?
I love being able to spread my love of Israel to those who are less familiar with the country. I think ISRAEL21c has such a variety of articles that really highlight the diversity of the country. I love sharing stories which are not normally published on regular news sites because this shines a light on the positive culture of Israel.
Best Israeli song you know?
“Golden Boy” by Nadav Guedj
Photo of you in Israel:
What are you up to in this photo?
This photo was taken on top of Masada after my Birthright group hiked it. We actually hiked it in a really short amount of time so we were very winded during this photo! The views were breathtaking, and honestly I am still so amazed that we hiked this ancient mountain. The girls in this photo are some school friends and some friends I made on the trip, as well as my sister.
What else are you passionate about?
I go to school by the beach so I really like to spend time there with my friends from school. I love to be outside and I think it is so important to spend time doing things you love so that is one of the reasons I really enjoy where I go to school. As soon as the weather gets about 75 degrees, you can be sure to find me at the beach!