A greater understanding of Israel remains despite recent attacks.Like many of you, much of my time these past few days has been spent discussing and otherwise attempting to process the horrors perpetrated by Palestinian suicide bombers in Jerusalem and Haifa on Dec. 5.
Having been born and raised in Israel, where I received my education, and having received my business training in the United States, I feel a profound loyalty to both nations. As an Israeli-American, I can tell you that the sense of mourning and outrage I felt after these recent attacks was reminiscent of what I felt after the terrorist attacks on
Sept. 11.
In the words of Thomas Friedman of the New York Times: “Last weekend’s spasm of suicide bombings against Israeli kids [is] a signal that the Palestinian national movement [is] being taken over by bin Ladenism, which is the nihilistic pursuit of murderous violence against civilians, without any political program and outside any political context.”
Much of the feedback I have received from our first few issues of www.ISRAEL21c.org concerns this very question of context.
As Dennis Ross, the former U.S. Middle East special envoy told ISRAEL21c: “There are some things that will never be accepted and anyone who pursues them is not only seen as illegitimate but any cause that they are identified with is also seen as illegitimate. We have to … make it clear that if you use terror, you discredit your cause.” Suicide bombings and random attacks on civilians have no legitimacy, and are abhorrent to anyone who cherishes democracy.
We founded this organization and established this site to respond to the desire, even hunger, of those who seek a greater understanding of Israel – the context, deeper meaning, and enduring value of what is at stake every time Israel is attacked by those who seek nothing more than its destruction.
We are gaining readers, contributors and partners. Why? Because the stories we publish give a rich, textured picture of the Israel we know exists behind the headlines of terror, grief and shock. The real Israel.
We continue to look to you to spread the word about our efforts. We need your help in distributing this message and asking your friends to sign up for our newsletter. Our job has suddenly become more important than ever.