Get ready! On Wednesday May 4, ISRAEL21c is launching its first ever online exhibition called 18 Ways Israel is Changing the World that you can stage yourself, anywhere.
Developed just in time for Yom Ha’atzmaut as a special gift to our readers, it’s a unique exhibition that you can use either now, or all year round in absolutely any location you can think of.
Designed to be easy to use, the exhibition includes 18 full-color posters that you can download, print and post in any kind of space, either onsite or online. Images can be enlarged on foam core board for display on easels, on the wall, or in display cases. Or simply present it online using a tablet or computer – it’s great for a continuous video loop, or in your organizational newsletter.
From surgery without scalpels, to a camera that lets rescue workers see through walls, and revolutionary wheels that allow wheelchairs to go down stairs, we have created a series of gorgeous posters that will get your viewers thinking.
If you want to show people just how much value Israel gives the world, then this is an ideal opportunity to put some of the country’s most groundbreaking achievements front and center.
On each poster you will find information about the innovation or development and QR links to further reading material that can help exhibition-goers gain a detailed picture of some of the most exciting advances in Israel today.
The exhibition is suitable for people of all ages, and you can take any part you want – you don’t have to use it all. We also offer users the chance to co-brand the exhibition with your own organization.
The exhibition, 18 Ways Israel is Changing the World, will go up on site on Wednesday May 4, but if you’d like us to send a link directly to your inbox, please drop us a line at
If you need more information or have questions, you can also contact us at