Last year we produced about 180 video features and Faces of Israel on our YouTube site, which is growing rapidly in popularity and has already hit over one million views.

We are the number one most viewed non-profit from Israel on all of YouTube, and the number one most subscribed YouTube channel throughout Israel.
Our videos have been seen widely across the Internet, and picked up by many media publications and TV channels. This year, 10 of our videos were shown on CNN World Report – one of which was chosen as a top story of the year – and another will be featured as part of the opening exhibition of the new Design Museum in Holon.
Here we bring together our top 10 most-popular YouTube videos of the year.
1. Finding hope in the midst of conflict [VIDEO]
If it wasn’t for the help of doctors from Israel, two-week-old Jafar, from Gaza, would no longer be alive. In the midst of this tragic war, Israeli and Palestinian doctors put aside their differences to save his life, offering a small ray of hope in a violent conflict.
2. FDA approves breakthrough lung imaging system [VIDEO]
An Israeli company has received FDA approval to market a revolutionary new non-invasive radiation free lung imaging system, which some see as the biggest breakthrough since ultrasound.
3. New vaccine could save bees from colony collapse disorder
An Israeli company has successfully tested a revolutionary new drug that promises to save the world’s bee communities from destruction by the mysterious colony collapse disorder.
4. Learning to live together is child’s play [VIDEO]
For the Jewish and Arab children who attend the YMCA’s Peace Preschool in Jerusalem, coexistence is a way of life, whether Israel is at war with Gaza or not.
5. Where age is a thing of beauty
A new dance developed by Israeli choreographer Galit Liss is giving audiences a whole new perception of age.
6. Israeli solar farm to power a kibbutz
An innovative new solar farm has been set up at Kibbutz Yavne in Israel, providing the community with all of its hot water and electricity needs at a low price.
In an emergency, escape routes from a high-rise building are limited to stairwells. Now an Israeli company has developed an innovative new evacuation system.
8. Finding fame in unlikely places
Israeli musician, Oren Lavie thought he was going to make it big in the European market. Instead he found fame in the US.
9. Tel Aviv celebrates its centennial
Tel Aviv was founded on sand dunes 100 years ago. It’s grown from a tiny village into Israel’s cultural and social capital. Welcome to the city that never sleeps.
10. Israel scores a touchdown with American football
The Israel Football League (IFL) is in its second full-pad season. In the last couple of years, it has grown from just three teams, to five, and should see further growth next season.