Will this be the day you could close a business deal, work out at the gym and have energy left over for nightlife? Or are you better off planning a low-key day with a power nap at noon?
WakeMode, a new sleep and fatigue management tool from med-tech company SleepRate, predicts fatigue levels during the day using advanced data analysis of the amount and quality of sleep from the night before, and other personal parameters.
The WakeMode app for Android and iOS monitors sleep patterns based on motion and heartrate by pairing with almost any Bluetooth-enabled wearable or contactless device.
It analyzes the patterns and creates a personalized actionable sleep improvement program provided via the app. Accuracy is enhanced by user-added details about sleep habits and alcohol consumption, for example.
Using a number scale to display predicted fatigue, similar to the way cell phones display a bar indicating battery life, WakeMode reveals your “inner battery level” and provides actionable tips on how to boost energy throughout the day and notifications when it’s time to give up and call it a night.
The 11-year-old company’s first app, SleepRate, gives users the opportunity to learn about and improve their sleep patterns.
“But we also wanted to give them a way to be more engaged and understand how better sleep could affect their lives,” said SleepRate CEO and Founder Dr. Anda Baharav, a sleep-medicine specialist. She based the core technology on behavioral sleep-medicine practices developed and implemented at Stanford University’s Behavioral Sleep Division.
“WakeMode enables users everywhere to actually see how their sleep habits affect their day, and encourages them to commit to a lifestyle change in order to improve their sleep habits and alertness during the day,” she said.
The app has a social feature enabling users to share results with friends and family for enhanced motivation and engagement.
SleepRate is based in Sunnyvale, California and Petah Tikva, Israel.