Mexico recently turned to Israel’s water experts for help in improving their water. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico and Mekorot Group signed a cooperation agreement for the development of strategies for the protection of groundwater quality in Mexico.
The first of its kind cooperation agreement between Mekorot Group and CONAGUA (the Mexican national water commission) was signed in the presence of President of Israel Shimon Peres, who is visiting Mexico, and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto.
“The choice of Mexico inspires pride and respect, and also represents reaffirmation of Mekorot’s global mobility in providing solutions for problems and crises, especially in light of the current global water crisis,” said CEO of Mekorot, Shimon Ben Hamo.
According to the agreement, Mekorot, a worldwide known expert in the water field, will provide the National Water Commission of Mexico “technical assistance in protection of groundwater quality, carrying out rehabilitation of the underground reservoirs and quality control of the restoration of water resources.”
First stage in the cooperation will include review and recommendations for the purification of aquifers, which its estimated cost is $5.6 million (NIS 20 million). In the second phase, several pilot projects will be carried out in order to prove the treatment processes. Eventually, treatment facilities themselves will be established in the country.
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