More than 750 international dance performances grace the stage each year at the Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre.
Founded in what used to be a rundown area of Tel Aviv, the Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre now anchors a revived neighborhood through its reputation as a world-class performing arts center.

Host of the Batsheva and Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak dance troupes, the center offers more than 750 international performances each year and was awarded the coveted Israel Prize in 2010 for its global contribution to the performing arts.
Suzanne Dellal has featured more than 850 world premieres since its 1989 opening.
“It’s a statement to the world that they recognize dance in Israel,” says director/chief choreographer Yair Vardi. “A revolution happened here, and we should applaud it.”
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