Paulee CleanTec of Tel Aviv has announced that its affiliate company Epic CleanTec of California won the grand prize in the Climate Innovation Showcase at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco.
The Epic system uses Paulee’s proprietary technology to separate out all the solid waste generated by occupants of a high-rise building and convert it into dry, odorless, sterile, organic fertilizer for landscaping. The system also redirects the building’s used water to toilets, irrigation and cooling towers.
After two days of pitching to dignitaries including California Secretary of Agriculture Karen Ross, a panel of investors chose Epic CleanTec to receive the $5,000 prize. CEO Aaron Tartakovsky will be featured in a forthcoming article in Inc. magazine.

Paulee CleanTec CEO and Epic CleanTec cofounder Ilan Levy tells ISRAEL21c that the Global Climate Action Summit, a follow-up to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, revealed the revolutionary technology to some 4,000 world leaders, executives, investors and activists.
“They acknowledged Epic CleanTec technology as one of the most promising vehicles that will promote the significant reduction of the urban carbon footprint. Paulee and its affiliate companies are on the path of providing the tools for that reduction,” says Levy.
Founded in 2014 in partnership with San Francisco-based CB Engineers, Epic CleanTec was recognized by the Obama administration as one of 10 US water industry innovations selected to present at the technology showcase of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Water Summit in 2016.
Paulee CleanTec founder and chairman Oded Halperin, also cofounder of Epic, tells ISRAEL21c that the affiliate company “will soon share developments concerning our activities in Brazil and Asia.”
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