Abigail Klein Leichman
March 22, 2023, Updated August 16, 2023

After a successful crowdfunding campaign, the Dead Sea Revival Project is launching eco-educational boat excursions in the Dead Sea, the lowest land point on Earth.

The announcement was timed to coincide with World Water Day on March 22. The tours are designed to raise awareness of the shrinking sea and the ecosystems it supports.

“Today, 98 percent of the natural coastline of the northern Dead Sea is inaccessible due to over 7,000 sinkholes,” said Noam Bedein, founder of the Dead Sea Revival Project.

“The only way to truly explore the Dead Sea and experience its wonders is by boat. I have been privileged to do this for the past seven years and capture photos of the changing landscape. Now I can offer this experience to the general public and continue accompanying, researching and documenting the Dead Sea’s disappearance to share with the world.”

After a two-hour, 50-kilometer journey starting at the southern end of the Dead Sea, the boat docks at Neve Midbar Beach, a location that is accessible for Israelis and Palestinians.

On World Water Day, boat undertakes maiden Dead Sea voyage
The Dead Sea Boat docks at Neve Midbar Beach after a two-hour journey. Photo courtesy of the Dead Sea Revival Project

Ari Leon Fruchter, an art patron and social entrepreneur who cofounded the Dead Sea Revival Project, says, “As people travel to the Dead Sea through Jerusalem they will for the first time be able to discover the Dead Sea’s environmental secrets, and explore it from the water itself.”

As well as boosting awareness and education, Fruchter said he hopes that profits from the boat tours will bring his dream of a Dead Sea Museum closer to realization.

The Dead Sea Boat operates Sunday to Friday. Guests have complete access to all the facilities of Neve Midbar beach and can spend the entire day there. For more information and to book a boat tour, click here.

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