Naama Barak
February 6, 2022, Updated February 7, 2022

As anyone who’s stepped in Tel Aviv in the past decade knows, the electric scooter revolution has changed the face of the city forever. Unfortunately, aside from offering the best possible way to travel from A to B, it’s also often one of the scariest ones, both for the rider and innocent passersby.

However, the brave souls using scooter-sharing platform Wind can now breathe more easily, knowing that in case of emergency they are only a click away from the United Hatzalah EMS organization, which they can reach via a button integrated into the e-scooter app.

This connection between riders and emergency services was made possible by Carbyne, an Israeli company that specializes in mission-critical contact center technologies.

Its platform powers video chat and accurate dynamic location sharing, meaning that help can reach those in need in a fast and efficient way. Since the platform is integrated into the Wind app, users don’t need to faff around with phone calls or multiple platforms under stressful conditions.

“Safety is a key value for us, and we strive to maintain the highest standards for our customers, which we achieve by collaborating with Carbyne and partnering with United Hatzalah,” says Wind CEO Itai Ezra.

United Hatzalah President Eli Beer calls it a lifesaving technology.

“The emergency button in Wind’s app and the information we receive from Carbyne’s technology in case of an emergency allows us to understand the situation, reduce response time, provide our first responders with an exact location of the incident, and guide citizens in real-time on how to treat injured parties until our volunteer can arrive at the scene and begin treating the patient,” Beer said.

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