The Weizmann Institute of Science has once again been named “best place to work in academia” in The Scientist magazine’s annual survey.
Weizmann is the only Israeli research center on the magazine’s Top 10 international academic institutions. The Rehovot institute regularly ranks among the top five non-US institutions, and has been ranked first on the prestigious list several times in the past.
The Scientist survey is taken by thousands of researchers in institutions around the world. The Weizmann Institute’s overall score was in the 100th percentile, and scientists rated the statement: “My work gives me great personal satisfaction,” a perfect five on a scale of one-to-five.
Of the international institutions listed, Weizmann has the fewest number of full-time life science researchers (108) yet the most scientific citations – an average of 30.47 per paper over the past decade.
By contrast, INRA, the French scientific institute for agricultural research, which came in second on the list, has 1,250 full-time researchers and an average of 14.24 citations in the same period.
Third place went to University of Queensland (Australia), followed by Dalhousie University (Canada), University of Groningen (Netherlands), University of Dundee (UK), Hospital for Sick Children (Canada), University of Alberta (Canada), University of St. Andrews (UK), and University of Liverpool (UK).
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