A senior delegation from the Japanese automaker Toyota will visit Israel this month to meet Israeli start-ups developing software for improved fuel consumption and driving safety. The delegation, from Toyota Info Technology Center Co., is due to arrive in Israel on July 16, according to Israeli financial newspaper Globes, and is interested in making investments. The group will be meeting a variety of Israeli companies including GreenRoad Technologies, which develops technologies for managing driver safety and risks; Road Guard, which develops software for increasing efficiency of fuel consumption; Netzer Precision Motor Sensors, which develops sensors with a higher performance at lower cost; Nanomotion, which designs and manufactures advanced and smaller sub systems; Nexense, which develops sensors that can identify if a driver is in physical distress; C-B4, which has developed software to warn of failures in a vehicle’s systems; Kilolambda Technologies, which has developed optical power control solutions; Ex-Sight, which has developed biometric facial identification systems and Camero-Tech, which has developed systems to observe stationary and moving objects through thick walls.
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