Zachy Hennessey
June 6

To some men, the promise of an easy, non-invasive way to prolong sexual intercourse may sound shocking — and they’re right, because it is shocking, in a very literal sense.

Just in time for National Sex Day (June 9), quick-shooting sabras now have access to a new solution for premature ejaculation, as startup Virility Medical has completed the Israel launch of its in2 sexual wellness device: a sticky patch that zaps the male undercarriage to make sex last longer.

The in2 device is a thin, flexible wearable patch which, when applied to the “hidden valley” between all of the interesting underwear areas, uses electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) technology to stimulate and contract pelvic muscles, enhancing the natural ability to delay ejaculation.

If you’re imagining an electric ghost forcing you to do a Kegel, you’re on the right track.

Shocking delayed ejaculation device comes to Israeli men
The shocking little in2 device is flexible and durable. Photo courtesy of Virility Medical

Clinical trials have shown that in2 can significantly prolong the duration of sexual intercourse (about 3.25 longer) with no side effects or pain. Some trial users also reported enhanced orgasm and overall sexual enjoyment, although these findings were not statistically significant (and they might have just had a bionic enhancement fetish).

While a reusable version of the device is in the works and slated for a 2025 release, currently in2s are disposable — meaning you have your fun and then throw it in the trash afterward — and come in either a two- or four-pack.

A kit containing two devices is priced at 119.99 shekels (equivalent to about $32). Virility Medical plans to sell the in2 device through a direct-to-consumer online platform, with future availability in pharmacies and drugstores. It’s also available in the UK. In the United States, Virility Medical has FDA clearance for marketing the device, but no release date has been set yet.

While 55 shekels may be a hefty price to pay for one session of shock-fueled lovemaking, for some guys that money may be well spent; especially considering that premature ejaculation is the most prevalent sexual health issue among men, affecting approximately 25 percent globally.

The global market for treating premature ejaculation is valued at around $2.4 billion and is projected to grow to $5.3 billion by 2034.

Shocking delayed ejaculation device comes to Israeli men
Virility Medical CEO Sharon Ravid. Photo courtesy of Virility Medical

“Current market solutions often come with numerous side effects and waiting times, lacking spontaneity during sexual relations. Our device offers an easy, effective, and side-effect-free solution, enhancing the quality of sexual relations and intimacy,” said CEO Sharon Ravid.

Since its establishment in 2016, Virility Medical has raised approximately $20 million in funding from major investors, and employs 11 people in its headquarters in Hod Hasharon and its US subsidiary.

“Our business strategy focuses on global marketing and direct-to-consumer sales. We also collaborate with specialist doctors and sexual therapists,” Ravid added. “We are proud to be part of the ‘Startup Nation,’ contributing to the growth of Israeli technologies both locally and internationally.”

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