Jun. 18 – Israeli company Procognia has signed a collaboration agreement with the Dutch biotech company DC4U and European research institutes in the Netherlands and Finland, with the goal of developing a diagnostic product for the early detection and monitoring of prostate cancer. The development of this product will be based on the know how of the companies in the field of developing tools based on sugar analysis (glycodiagnostics) in blood samples from patients. Procognia will perform its part of the development using its biochips and its novel bioinformatics tools. The three-year project will be funded by EUREKA?s EuroStar program. Procognia will receive a grant of about NIS 1.9 million to cover half of the development costs. The Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor’s will also contribute to funding.
Procognia to collaborate with European researchers on diagnostic tool for prostate cancer
June 18, 2009, Updated September 24, 2012