Philippine Ambassador to Israel Generoso D. G. Calonge joined Israeli youth at the Boys Town Jerusalem school to pack 25 boxes of food and relief supplies for survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. The school’s relief efforts, in coordination with the Philippines Embassy, comprised hundreds of blankets, pillows, and basic food supplies.

“Our prayers are with the victims of this terrible disaster,” said Rabbi Moshe Linchner, Boys Town’s dean of students. “We are happy to be able to provide some small assistance, as we remain mindful of the help the Philippine nation provided the Jewish People in our terrible time of need.”
“Israeli aid to the Philippines victims of the typhoon disaster has brought our nations closer and improved our relations,” said Ambassador Calonge.
In related news, the IDF “Operation Islands of Hope” relief mission says its medical team treated a whopping 952 patients at the field hospital in Bogo City on its fourth day of operation. Doctors at the makeshift hospital said the patients were typhoon survivors as well as people with chronic illnesses seeing a doctor for the first time.

The 148-member team says future plans include distributing 200-plus meals and making water accessible to nearby villages.
Meanwhile, IsraAID says it has registered with the UN Coordination Office. The Israeli aid relief organization, which has been based in Tacloban, is now hoping to provide medical and humanitarian aid in more remote areas of the typhoon-struck archipelago.
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