Jul. 14 – The penetration rate of the Internet in Israel continues to rise, with 4.3 million users over the age of 13 at the end of 2008, Israel’s business daily Globes has reported in its online edition. The TIM/Teleseker survey found that 77 percent of Jewish households had Internet access at the end of 2008, up from 73% in 2007. Of Israeli Jews over the age of 18, 71% surf the web, while 56% of Israelis over 50, and 90% of Israelis aged 13-17 do so. Most households (51%) have three or more surfers, 32% have two and only 16% have just one. A breakdown by demographics found that 51% of Israeli Internet users are men and 49% are women. Eighty-one percent of people with a higher education use the Internet, compared with 71% of the general population.
Ninety percent of Israeli teens use Internet
July 14, 2009, Updated September 24, 2012