Mobileye, a global leader in the development of computer vision and machine learning for autonomous driving, has announced an agreement with Nissan Motor to generate anonymized, crowd-sourced data to create next-generation precision maps.
The new agreement will use the Jerusalem company’s Road Experience Management data generation technology to create maps that will be used as a source of localization, foresight, and redundancy in order to enable safe, robust autonomous vehicles in the future.
“We welcome the opportunity to take this next step with our valued partner Nissan,” said Professor Amnon Shashua, Chairman and Chief Technology Officer of Mobileye. “I’m very pleased that innovative work by our engineering teams is resulting in the confidence of customers to adopt REM. We now have significant commitments from multiple global automakers to generate and share data from camera-equipped ADAS vehicles, and then utilize the resulting Global RoadBook as a critical input within autonomous vehicle systems.”
The agreement comes in the wake of a successful proof-of-concept work in 2016 that saw Mobileye’s REM mapping technology being used in Nissan’s recent autonomous vehicle demonstration in London.
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