The stop motion YouTube brooming craze has come to Israel, and the first local clip couldn’t be better. The Israeli version titled ‘Witch From Tel Aviv’ shows Patricia Maya Wilczak – until now, just another Tel Aviv resident — riding a squeegee in the city’s Port area.
Her high-tech startup entrepreneur brother, Hubert Wilczak, and his filmmaker girlfriend, Natasha Duzev, decided to hop on the brooming craze and create a fun video of their own. Patricia was asked to jump 2000 times over a three-kilometer route.
The original idea was to offer a short video similar to the Jackson Holland “Harry Potter” Vine that kicked off the craze in March but Hubert Wilczak told POP3 that they quickly realized it would be cooler to do a longer video with the sights of Tel Aviv in the background.
The filmmakers also decided to use the squeegee instead of a broom – a typical Israeli household cleaning tool.
The Tel Aviv video has been picked up by social media channels and is going viral fast. Watch it here:
Around the world, Harry Potter fans – and Jackson Holland fans – have been showing off their Quidditch skills in short brooming videos.
YouTube is literally brimming with brooming clips. Among the better ones, there’s this racing clip:
This muggle shows how to launch a flight properly:
And, brooming in the suburbs has never looked so fun:
Of course the Israeli version takes all the brooming videos up a notch. A big LIKE!