“On The Spectrum,” a new Israeli TV series exploring the everyday struggles of three adult roommates on the autism spectrum, won the Grand Prix award at the Series Mania Festival competition in France last week.
Series Mania described the show as “a funny and moving gem of a series that is carefully crafted and full of humanity, offering a bold new take on the autistic condition.”
“On the Spectrum” creator and head writer Dana Idisis was there to accept the prize, which she dedicated to her brother Guy, the real-life inspiration for the series premiering later this month in Israel.
Produced by Yes Studios, the first episode of the series premiered at New York’s Tribeca Film Festival in April, while episodes 2 and 3 were debuted at Series Mania in May.
This is the second Israeli TV show featuring characters on the autism spectrum. The multiple award-winning “Yellow Peppers,” remade as “The A Word” by the BBC in 2016, garnered rave reviews in Britain.
“First Love,” an American- and French-made series created by Israeli-born filmmaker Adi Tishrai, won the short forms competition at Series Mania.