Israeli environmentalists from Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael KKL-JNF have been chosen to attend the Rio+20 Earth Summit later this month, and teach the world about Israeli expertise in sustainable aforestation and agricultural practices in arid regions.
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, set for June 20-22, is being called the most important environmental conference of the year. The summit is a 20-year follow-up to the historic UN meeting held in Rio in 1992.
Representatives from around the world at the summit hope to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development; assess the progress and implementation gaps in meeting already agreed commitments; and address new and emerging challenges.
Israel — a country with limited space and resources — is known as a global leader in sustainable land management and water use. The KKL-JNF policy is to share its knowledge with communities around the world free of charge.
Itshack Moshe, director of aforestation and soil conservation and chief forester Dr. David Brand will set up a KKL-JNF learning center at Rio+20 that will address advanced practices for gully control and aforestation in semi arid environments; practices for water harvesting; tree improvement – new methods for propagation of drought resistant species and forest planning.