Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Faculty of Law and Tel Aviv University’s Buchmann Faculty of Law are among the Top 100 law departments in the world, according to the new issue of QS World University Rankings.
The QS rankings are among the most trusted in the higher education sector.
Harvard University was rated as the world’s best law faculty, followed by the United Kingdom’s Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
The rankings were based on a variety of criteria, including the number of citations in peer-reviewed journals of articles written by faculty researchers, academic peer reviews, and evaluations by recruitment companies.
The Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is the oldest law school in Israel. Established in 1949, the Faculty is the alma mater of almost all the Justices on the Supreme Court of Israel.
Tel Aviv University’s Center for Advanced Legal Studies (CALS), inaugurated in 2007, is a flagship project that draws outstanding graduate law students from Israel and around the world.
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