Rambam Health Care Campus of Haifa and the Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) – an affiliate of the Georgia Institute of Technology — are partnering to start a med-tech incubator for Israeli-based companies in Atlanta.
GCMI, along with Rambam doctors and specialists from various fields, will provide advice and consultation to Israeli companies at the new Biomedical and Digital Health Innovation Center to help them obtain funding, navigate commercialization and regulatory clearance and other necessities for entering the US healthcare market.
“Israeli engineering and entrepreneurial expertise regularly translate to medical devices capable of improving patient outcomes while driving the overall cost of care down in many parts of the world, including the United States. We believe our commercialization pathway expertise will increase the speed at which Israeli med-tech innovations achieve key milestones and ultimately FDA clearance for use in the United States,” said GCMI CEO Tiffany Wilson.
Companies selected for the incubator will be hosted for six to 12 months.
Rafi Beyar, CEO and of Rambam Health Care Campus, said he was “excited by this unique and promising partnership, which is a win-win for Israel and Atlanta. Rambam’s highly advanced med-tech ecosystem, based in and around Haifa, Israel’s largest northern city, can benefit from the deep knowledge of Georgia’s Global Center for Medical Innovation in how to most efficiently get its medical products to the market and in doing so, help patients around the world.”
The Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast, Connex America Israel Business Connector, and the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce also support the venture.
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