No need to worry about your pooch being at home all day by himself. The new made-in-Israel designated television channel for dogs is set to air in Israel following a successful debut in the US.
YES cable company will air DogTV — scientifically programmed to keep pooches stimulated, happy and comforted when they’re home alone – from January 15, at a cost of $2.50 per month.
In an earlier interview with ISRAEL21c, DogTV CEO Gilad Neumann said that when dogs are left alone, they can get depressed, lose their appetite or lose their desire to play. The idea behind the canine channel is to leave the television on when no one is at home, so that the family dog can watch it and not feel lonely or suffer from abandonment anxiety.
The programs on Dog TV run up to six minutes in length.
“This creates a companionship environment,” says Neumann, “a channel that is fully suitable for dogs. Owners can be sure it’s all appropriate, and there is no content that scares or stresses the dog, like loud or sudden noises.”
Photo by Shutterstock.
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