August 31, 2015

U2 front-man Bono recently ‘knighted’ Israeli solar pioneer Yosef Abramowitz with the pronouncement, “you’re incredible dude,” while visiting a solar field developed by Abramowitz’s company Gigawatt Global in Rwanda.  The Israeli renewable energy entrepreneur posted a video of his meeting with the rock star philanthropist on his Facebook page.

Abramowitz wrote on his Facebook wall that he was sorry his kids missed out on seeing him anointed: “Being Knighted by Bono in our solar field, using the wrist band, with the declaration: ‘You are an incredible dude.’ I can’t believe my kids weren’t there to witness. Here’s the video evidence, maybe they will respect that.”

Bono was visiting Rwanda with a group of US representatives seeking ways in which the US and Africa can expand economic development opportunities.

Abramowitz’s Gigawatt Global solar field – which opened in February — supplies about 6 percent of Rwanda’s power. The $23.7 million project is found in Rwanda’s Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, a unique refuge for orphans of the Rwandan civil war modeled after Israel’s Yemin Orde Youth Village originally built for child Holocaust survivors.

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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director

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