November 2, 2009, Updated September 24, 2012

Israel’s water safety technology company Atlantium Technologies says that its hydro-optic disinfection ultraviolet (UV) light water pasteurization and disinfection systems are now commercially available for use for regulatory compliance in the US dairy industry.

The announcement follows new US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations on the use of ultraviolet light in water preparation for the dairy industry.

The company further claims that Atlantium’s hydro-optic system is the industry’s only off-the-shelf UV product that meets all FDA requirements.

Atlantium explains that ensuring that both products and equipment are kept free of water-borne pathogens is an ongoing challenge for dairy processors and that the company’s energy efficient and chemical-free system ensures high quality, safe water at a lower cost than traditional thermal pasteurization, and complies with the new requirements for pasteurized water. ISRAEL21c ran a profile on Atlantium in 2005.

In April in the US, the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) voted to allow the use of UV to disinfect and pasteurize water in dairy processing, based on rigorous measurement criteria.

Atlantium has installations in the US, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.



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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director

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