Abigail Klein Leichman
January 2, 2024

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics estimates the population of Israel on December 31, 2023, stood at 9.842 million — 73.2% Jewish, 21.1% Arab and 5.7% other, including non-Arab Christians.

The population increased by 1.9% in 2023, with 72% of that growth due to approximately 179,000 babies born (73.3% to Jewish mothers, 24.1% to Arab mothers and 2.6% to others) and 28% due to immigration.

This is less than the 2.2% growth rate in 2022, primarily because of decreased immigration. In 2022, 73,000 immigrants arrived. In 2023, approximately 45,000 immigrants arrived, 75% of them from Russia and Ukraine. Nefesh B’Nefesh facilitated the immigration of 3,020 individuals from North America in 2023, ranging in age from three months to 100 years.

Population estimates do not include immigrant citizens (people born to an Israeli citizen abroad who have returned to live in Israel), Israelis living abroad for more than a year, or resident foreign workers.

The bureau estimates about 49,500 Israeli residents died in 2023.

Also released was a survey of the most popular names for new babies in Israel in 2022. For Jewish girls, Abigail, Tamar and Ayala top the list. For Jewish boys, the top names were David, Ariel and Lavi. Muhammad and Maryam continue to be the most popular names for Arab boys and girls, respectively.

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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director

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