December 26, 2018

In December, we reported on a new HomeBiogas invention, the bio-toilet that feeds directly into a backyard biodigester to create household energy.

Millions of people around the world lack sewage lines and even basic lavatories, but the HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet does not need regular connections. Instead, users flush the toilet with a manual pump using just 1.2 liters of graywater. The waste is flushed directly into the HomeBiogas solar biodigester, where it is broken down by bacteria and transformed into biogas for household needs, along with other waste such as food scraps and animal manure.

While compost toilets can require manual emptying and can attract pests, the HomeBiogas system is completely sealed and there’s no need to have any direct contact or hand-remove waste.

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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director