August 29, 2021

Many of you have contacted us about the recent surge in vitriolic misinformation about Israel online. We want to remind you that we have spent years fostering digital communities for young adults to learn about Israel on social media. 

In its sixth year, our Digital Ambassadors Program allows college students to tap into trends on campus and weave in custom content that brings Israel’s story to life.

By coaching students and harnessing their creativity, we are incubating informative, positive, and engaging Israel content online — and reaching hundreds of thousands of their peers along the way.

Our Ambassadors are building virtual bridges on college campuses and there is more work to be done. You can help – please donate and invest in dialogue that makes a difference.

Fighting for Israel's truth

We cover what makes life in Israel so special — it's people. A non-profit organization, ISRAEL21c's team of journalists are committed to telling stories that humanize Israelis and show their positive impact on our world. You can bring these stories to life by making a donation of $6/month. 

Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director