July 28, 2021

Calling all college students! We still have some open spots on the Influencer Track of our upcoming Digital Ambassador Program.

Our Ambassadors use their Instagram, TikTok or Facebook pages to post regularly about the things they care about related to Israel.

If you have a strong social media presence and a niche interest (such as sports, technology, food or fashion) or generally enjoy spreading awareness of positive stories coming out of Israel, consider joining us for the upcoming academic year (and get paid for it!).

The program will begin with a virtual retreat on Sunday, August 15th, so apply now at israel21c.org/apply. Contact Ali at alexandra@israel21c.org with any questions.

Fighting for Israel's truth

We cover what makes life in Israel so special — it's people. A non-profit organization, ISRAEL21c's team of journalists are committed to telling stories that humanize Israelis and show their positive impact on our world. You can bring these stories to life by making a donation of $6/month. 

Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director

More on influencers