Abigail Klein Leichman
June 3, 2021, Updated June 9, 2021

The Chicago-based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat chose Tel Aviv’s two-year-old ToHa skyscraper as the overall winner in the office building category of its 18th annual awards program.

ToHa is located at the intersection of Derech Hashalom, Yigal Allon and Totzeret Haaretz streets (ToHa comes from the latter street name, which translates to Product of Israel).

Tower 1 of two planned towers, completed in early 2019, has 28 floors and is designed in the shape of an iceberg by Israeli native artist/architect Ron Arad of London, working with Israeli architect Avner Yashar.

“Configured as a large seven-story-high main lobby space, the atrium of ToHa Tower 1 continues upwards as a stepped lightwell culminating in a generous walkable skylight on the public roof,” the council noted.

ToHa Tower 1 obtained LEED Platinum certification, the highest globally recognized sustainability achievement, in May 2019.

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