November 3, 2020

The Washington, DC-based National Sleep Foundation named Itamar Medical winner of the 2020 SleepTech Award recognizing the year’s most innovative achievement in sleep technology.

Itamar Medical makes non-invasive devices and solutions to aid diagnosis of respiratory sleep disorders.

Itamar’s WatchPAT ONE, sold in the United States, Japan, and Europe, is described as “the first and only disposable home sleep apnea test that connects to a smartphone app and easily transmits sleep data for review.”

The public company is based in Caesarea, Israel, with US headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

​“We congratulate Itamar Medical for winning our 2020 SleepTech Award by further innovating their product to help advance sleep technology. Their response to customer insights and needs is particularly relevant this year in the effort to promote better sleep health during a pandemic,” said John Lopos, CEO of the National Sleep Foundation.

Gilad Glick, CEO of Itamar Medical, said sleep apnea is serious disease that is severely underdiagnosed. “It’s estimated that 54 million to 60 million people have sleep apnea in the United States, and 80% of these people are going undiagnosed and untreated,” he said.

“We are very proud of the home-based innovative technology and the digital health platform we have built to deliver simple and reliable solutions for the diagnosis and management of this condition without the patient needing to leave home or be exposed to infection, with a focus on additional care pathways,” Glick said.

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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

Executive Director

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