A 48-hour marathon of lifesaving transplant operations has given seven children in Israel a new chance at life. It is unusual for a hospital to perform back-to-back transplant surgeries in such a short time frame, according to the Schneider Children’s Medical Center.
Schneider Children’s Medical Center is one of a handful of medical centers around the world to be able to perform simultaneous pediatric transplants, the hospital spokesperson told ISRAEL21c. The Israeli medical center has performed over 500 lifesaving pediatric transplants since it opened its doors to the public in 1992.
The transplant operations that took place one after the other saved the lives of a 14 year old boy who was suffering from chronic lung disease (lung and heart transplant); two boys aged six and nine, who needed new livers to live; and four children ages four, nine and two 16-year-olds, who received new kidneys.