Have and have-nots meant food, healthcare, ed?n. Now there is another dimension:
Digital divide?world being divided into those who have access to computers, Net..and those who don?t.
In effort to bridge divide, Israel ?UN
Israel is assuming leadership role / becoming a leader in the effort to bridge the global digital divide.
At conference?.(UN)
Mention?.private sector ? Gilad . satellites. Thru Columbia
1) Internet Association guy
2) Ed ministry
3) E-gov?t
4) 4) e research implications U of TA (check if it?s only one – or one of handful)
Internet Association
Established in 97, a NPO ? (2nd int?l one).
Digital divide is increasing. Whoever fails to use the NET as an everyday tool will be deprived. Real victims are those with special needs. ISOC-IL initiated the est?t of task gps to promote social and educational issues on the net. High on our agenda is bridign digital divide. ? Have task forces on sr citiiznes, safter net, e-volunteerism, web accessibility ? including opening Web to disabled. (see their info sheet)
ED MIN In Nov 94, Minist launched national program to computerize ed?n system, including infrastructure, software, ped process and implementation.
To reduce digital divide we?ve launched add?l projects like:
1) National project with a telecomm co. to intro Net to schools for free. So that every child can be connected to ICP service. (we pay them a low price)>
2) At fisrst, we had a a ratio of one computer for every 10 children in shools, but that we realized is one reason for the digital divide. So we changed it to 1:5. Even that still falls short of equality.
So now we have special inv?t in peripheral regions and hi-risk populations with an even better ratio.
We are also funding InterNet comm?y centers open from morning thru midnight so children withyout computers at home can do their homework there and take courses (with their parents too).
This year, (since Nov) we also de ided to open school computer labs past regular school hours ? until midnight. The labs are staffed by tutors and teachers.
We have a national project ?A Computer for Every Child? ? kids in low socio-ec level can receive a computer with support (technical) for 3 years. We provide free technical support for ALL ed?l insituttiones. So schools or municipalieis don?t have to pay for this.
Also have a computer youth movement. Training kids to help teachers with technical support.
And a national project for ___ learning ? to prepare students for final examination and for students who need tutoring.
Also have developed a National Digigal Library.
TAU – In May, 2003, TAU est?d institute to coordinate Net studies in research to look at social, cult, ec, legal, ethical issues of impact of NET and provide policymakers with info policy. Diginal divide is one major topic on agenda. Also e-learning, e0-commerc e, human reights, cyberterrorism,
PRIVATE SECTOR : Gilad satellites ? have put 13,000 phone lines in 10,000 satellite communities in rural areas of Columbia.
Also numbe r of other Isrlaei companies including Tadiran, Indigo and ECI inv?d in this field.
Gov?t ? Boaz
We want to share our experience in e gov?t with all your reps. Can save time and money.
WE?ve built a secure gateway to the Net . We have 1000?s of cyber attacks every day. Cyber terror. Have built a wonderful mechanism to open gv?t and services to the public despite daily attacks.
Today pple pay millions and buiznesses pay 10?s of millions in single transaction to go?t. We have e-commerce gateway that is safe. Happy to share it with you.
Have built a 5-layer modle of e-gov?t?.
All gov?t wkers have smart cared with e-signature.
E-gov?t portal users grows every day. Mostly pple use it to make transactions ? to fill in forms and pay bills. Have call centers and support centers.
50% of population connected to net from HOME>
65% thru work or home.
Of those 80% hthru broadbacnd.
We have digital divide too.
Eyal Adar.
How to protect critical infrastructure?