Last Friday, Tel Aviv celebrated summer and the start of summer vacation as it has for several years now, with an annual mass water fight in Rabin Square.
Photographer Elyssa Frank with her trademark MADEin ISRAEL enthusiasm, waded into the thick of the battle, camera in hand. She emerged wet but otherwise unscathed with these shots from Water War 2013.
Frank says, “I was laughing the whole time. . . and getting very wet. If you were close you were ATTACKED by water .. and if you had a camera, even more so!”
The 7000-person water fight is a chance for young Israelis — often used to heavier, more serious armaments — to practice with lighter, more colorful equipment.
Participants in the Water War come loaded for bear… or is that bare?
Two years ago, we posed the question whether it might seem odd for a country with a ongoing drought to engage in this activity but discovered that the water used in the event is unfit for anything else other than splashing and spraying.
According to Israel Experts, “…this event is in no way meant to waste water. The unofficial organizers of the event have gone out of their way to stress that the water used in this year’s water fight will only come directly from the water fountain in Rabin Square. The fountain water is not fit for drinking, bathing or watering plants and therefore its use is not considered a waste.”
It is, however, a perfect event for dancing with a blow-up dolphin on your back!
It went on like this for quite a while. Another crazy, wonderful day in Tel Aviv.
For more, visit Elyssa Franks’ MADEinISRAEL Facebook page and Vimeo channel.