Jerusalem’s Schatz Street, named for the founder of the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, is a pedestrian mall and site of a weekly arts and crafts fair.
In keeping with this heritage, the street also serves as an open-air municipal gallery whose most recent show, entitled #jerusalem24_7, presented the 18 winning results of a city-wide Instagram photo competition.
Over the summer, more than 3,000 city residents shared photos on the Jerusalem Municipality’s Facebook and Instagram pages, using the hashtag #jerusalem24_7.
Each week, participants were given a particular theme, such as most Jerusalem’s beautiful building, Jerusalem nightlife, most beautiful open market shot, etc.
The municipality then expanded the project into a public exhibition, printing up the 18 winning photographs in large-format, and hanging them on the light poles that overlook the pedestrian mall.
Yoav Koren, who manages the Jerusalem Municipality’s Facebook page stated that,”The purpose of the project was to present our daily lives — those of the people who live here — and not the typical way that Jerusalem is generally portrayed in photos.”
“In choosing the winning photos , we took into account creative angles showing everyday life, that any Jerusalemite could identify with easily”.
The exhibition will remain up until that mysterious time-frame known as “after the holidays” (which is any day, now, actually) but can be viewed on Facebook or on Instagram using the hashtag — you guessed it — #jerusalem24_7.
Image credit: Publicity; Flash 90 for the Jerusalem Municipality.