Mazor’s C-InSight takes information available from traditional 2D imaging systems, and turns it into 3D.In the operating room, most doctors carrying out orthopedic surgery today are limited to using either C-Arm imaging systems that offer only inaccurate two-dimensional fluoroscopic images, or complex and expensive hardware based systems that offer 3D images. Now Mazor Surgical Technologies, has come up with an alternative.
The Caesarea-based company has developed C-InSight, a new software-based technology that can generate 3D images using existing C-Arm, or X-Ray Image Intensifier imaging system equipment – the most commonly used tool for this type of surgery.
The software allows hospitals to upgrade their existing 2D imaging systems and turn them into far more accurate 3D imaging systems at a much cheaper price than competing 3D alternatives.
C-InSight is based on Mazor’s SpineAssist technology, a successful product developed for surgeons carrying out spine fusion surgery, which was released to the market over three years ago.
At the heart of SpineAssist is its 3D imaging technology, which allows a surgeon to place the screws used to straighten out the discs with maximum precision. This is essential. A miscalculation of as little as a millimeter is enough to cause nerve damage or even paralysis.
The SpineAssist system takes information from a 2D CT scan and then, using software, builds a 3D image of the work area that doctors can follow in surgery. A special mechanical clamp is used to place the screws in the right place. In clinical tests, the system has shown a success rate of over 99 percent – compared to the 20-30% failure rate usually found in these operations.
And that’s the basic idea behind C-InSight as well, says Ori Hadomi, Mazor’s CEO. Hard to view, tight areas of the body – such as the spine – are much easier to treat when doctors can get a 3D look at the work area.
C-InSight uses the 3D imaging technology found in SpineAssist and applies it to C-Arm imaging systems, thus automatically “upgrading” the 2D imaging systems to a much more sophisticated system, usually found only in top-line private hospitals.
The software not only takes accurate images of “static” situations in the body, Hadomi tells ISRAEL21c, but it can even compensate for patient movement, usually a major problem in 2D (and 3D) imaging accuracy.
“Doctors tell us that a system like this would save them so much time and effort, because it would significantly reduce the need to go back and correct complications emerging from a first round of surgery,” Hadomi says
The system is currently being perfected, but Hadomi says clinical tests will begin in the near future, with FDA clearance expected at the beginning of 2009.
In preliminary discussions with hospitals, Hadomi says interest is running high. “C-InSight can prove to be a lifesaver for hospitals – literally, since they will be able to more accurately perform difficult operations, besides saving money.”
With competing fully 3D imaging systems costing between $500,000 to $1 million, C-InSight will cost “far less” says Hadomi, proving a great boon not only to patients, but to hospital administrators as well.
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