International Aerospace 2010, slated as the largest air show and conference ever to be held in Israel, will take place at an Israeli airport in November, according to a report in the Israel-based Technologies magazine.
The conference and exhibition are expected to attract the world’s top aeronautics and aerospace corporations. Colonel (res.) Amnon Ben David, who is heading the conference and exhibition, hopes that the conference will help attract investment, expand knowledge-based industry and establish Israel’s position as an important power in the world of technology.
The conference steering committee comprises Israel’s top military, aviation industry and air force brass. “Israel has a wide variety of technologies that have piqued the interest of the global aviation industry, particularly in the area of military applications,” says Ben David.
Technologies‘ vice president Dorit Aldubi Roffe says that the aerospace conference will be one of the largest and most ambitious such events held in Israel. “Many in the technology industry, defense systems and public office view the air show for innovative technologies in Israel as a crucial milestone in the process of establishing Israel’s position as an industry powerhouse.
“The broad support and encouragement that we are receiving from important organizations points to a huge demand for a conference of this type in Israel,” she notes.
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