Computer giant Dell recently inaugurated its first R&D center in Israel. It will focus on developing storage technologies and cloud computing solutions, which will be embedded in Dell products worldwide.
The R&D center is based on Exanet, which Dell acquired last year. Yossi Ben-Shoshan, formerly Exanet’s CTO and now a senior executive in Dell’s Enterprise Storage Business, will head the new center.
“In the past year, we have accompanied the center in every stage of its development and establishment ahead of the realization of its purpose as a leading and strategic R&D center for Dell,” said Darren Thomas, general manager of Dell. “The Israeli R&D center is at the forefront of storage and cloud computing technology, and we expect that its R&D achievements will make a major contribution to the further strengthening of Dell’s position as a leading player in these fields.”
Engineers and computer scientists should take note that Dell will launch a hiring campain in the coming months, as more manpower is now needed.
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