When Tomer Grencel, 30, decided to document his wife Osher’s pregnancy, the Israeli couple assumed it would make a nice keepsake. But friends and family who saw the video clip encouraged them to upload it to YouTube – and it went viral counting over 475,000 hits (so far).
The four-minute video clip has also garnered media attention in Europe and North America.
Tomer, an internet entrepreneur and photographer, snapped some 1,000 photos of Osher, a former Survivor reality TV contestant, during her nine months of pregnancy. Every evening, the 28-year-old Osher (whose name means ‘happiness’ in Hebrew) would dress in the same clothes and stand in the same spot by a white curtain in their living room.
It’s not only about seeing Osher’s tummy grow bigger. They also play up fantasies of chocolate and how to get to the hospital on time.
About a month after their daughter Emma was born, Tomer merged the photos together into a touching stop-motion video. The couple invited friends and family to come over and see the film clip. The new parents were encouraged to share their happiness with the world.
In fact, the global YouTube community liked the video so much that Tomer and Osher kickstarted a blog that lets parents around the world share their advice.
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