Abigail Klein Leichman
November 3, 2024, Updated November 23, 2024

Although countries of origin aren’t mentioned in TIME magazine’s “Best Inventions of 2024” list, we spotted 10 products conceived in Israel. Blue-and-white inventions have been included on the coveted list for several consecutive years.

TIME solicited nominations from its editors and correspondents around the world, and through an online application process, paying special attention to growing fields such as healthcare, AI and green energy. Each contender is evaluated on the basis of factors including originality, efficacy, ambition and impact.

TIME’s editors explain: “The result is a list of 200 groundbreaking inventions (and 50 special mention inventions) — including the world’s largest computer chip, a humanoid robot joining the workforce, and a bioluminescent houseplant — that are changing how we live, work, play, and think about what’s possible.”

The Israeli products we found on the list are:

  • Nuvo’s wearable Invu remote pregnancy monitor that performs fetal non-stress tests remotely (Home Health category).
  • Aporia Guardrails, which mitigates evolving AI risks in real time to make AI applications safer and more reliable for clients including Fortune 500 companies (AI category).
  • OrCam Hear’s soon-to-be-available AI-powered Ultra Focused Hearing Help, a hybrid “hearables solution” enabling people with hearing loss in noisy environments to tune into what they want while tuning out everything and everyone else (Accessibility category).
  • UVeye drive-thru vehicle inspection systems that check cars for damage within 30 seconds automatically (Automotive category). UVeye, which we featured last year, also appears on Fast Company’s “World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024.”
  • BeeHero pollination insight platform, a beehive management system to monitor colony health and pollination activity (Agriculture category). BeeHero was also on the Global Cleantech 100 list released in January.
  • InnerPlant’s CropVoice, a first-of-its-kind insights platform powered by a network of plots featuring a soybean engineered to signal when under attack from fungus, gives farmers access to stress signals directly from plants (Agriculture category). The platform is rolling out for the 2025 growing season in selected areas of Illinois. 
  • Emulait, a customizable baby bottle that mimics the mother’s breast, for babies have trouble taking to a bottle (Special Mention).
  • BelongAI’s “Dave” cancer support chatbot, trained on eight years’ worth of data from real-world patients to answer user questions and review and simplify medical documents (Special Mention).
  • D-ID Agents, conversational AI avatars that are easily customizable (the system can even clone an individual’s voice) to provide a more human and engaging online customer-service experience (Special Mention).
  • NanoxAI, using AI to help identify asymptomatic, undetected chronic conditions early by analyzing routine medical CT scans of the heart, bones and liver (Special Mention).

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Jason Harris

Jason Harris

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